digital solutions, integrated and personalized


Private & hybrid cloud, bare metal servers, VLANs, VPNs, private lines.

DPPL has been hosting the Internet since 1994 and now, teaming up with our ASP, Genstor and our ISPs, New York Internet and 365 Data Centers, we offer specialized hosting solutions that include private clouds (run by you or by us), hybrid clouds (private cloud integrated with AWS or Azure) as well as specialized development environments such as the Kubernetes environment with GPU servers for blockchain development.

We can also host your business resiliency solution as well as a robust disaster recovery program.

We host a cloud-based emergency messaging service with our partners New Voice International which can be used on its own or be integrated within our business resiliency application.

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About us
For the past twenty-six years Digital Page Publishers, Ltd. have created and hosted web sites, portals, mobile apps and intranets. Founded in 1994 and located in the United States and Europe, we have created web-based applications that integrate marketing, transactional, and analytical tools based on your and your clients’ needs, and on nothing else.
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